Originally published 2004-11-16
of Philosophy by numbers:
Time: 1088 days or 2 years, 357 days; (1st Oct 2001 – 22nd Sept 2004);
(365 + 366 + 365 – 8).
Published Thesis.... 214 pages 2,086 paragraphs 49,477 words 255,698 characters 49,396 spaces
Writing Up.....Took 73 days at an
average 14 hours per day Created a pile of
scrap A4 paper 82 cm tall (ca. 32
inches) Listened to 981
hours of Radio 5
Consumed while writing..... 142 ham rolls 71 packets of
crisps 132 chocolate
brownies 34 chunky Kit Kats 35 blue Bountys 108 liters of Diet
Coke 367 tea bags 84 pints of milk 7 bags of sugar 3 jars of Nescafe
Gold Blend And actually lost weight, due to such severe stress... Read....64 copies of The Guardian 9 copies of The Observer 8 copies of The News of the World A few books on
chemistry (!)
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